Friday, August 04, 2006

For Those of You Aping for More, A Poem.

A dog with a soul, you've got that? You apes
with heads of Socrates, false priests' altar boys,
retired professors of evil! I imagine cities so I can
get lost in them. I meet other dogs with souls when
I'm not lighting firecrackers in heads that are about
to doze off.
Blood-and-guts firecrackers. In the dark to see,
you ass-scratchers! In the dark to see.

~Charles Simic


Brother Matt said...

By the way, my writer's block is called Mike Gunn's 33 page epic, "John Booklet."

By the way, can someone please tell him that he lost his editor? Maybe that way he'll care about fixing his own errors before I get it.

There's only so many times I can laugh at the image of John the Baptist wandering around in the dessert.

Heartichoke said...

matt, camel hair outfits are ALWAYS funny.

Heartichoke said...

and so are john the baptist's feet in lemon pies!